Hantinkn @ 20V lithium-ih xargaha 2 ee 1 ee 1 xuddunta chainsaw / xayndaabka trans the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the tr poleer
18V Trimmer - 4c0107
18V Trimmer - 4c0108
Hanteecn 18v Cawska Trimmer - 4c0111
Hantinkn 18V oo toos ah mashiinka milixyada tooska ah - 4c0104
Hanteecn 18v si toos ah oo ah mashiinka milixyada tooska ah - 4c0105
18V Hyld trimmer - 4c0130
18V Hyld trimmer - 4c0131
18V Mult-Strit Strit oo leh lifaaqyo isku-dhafan - 4c0132
18V isku-dhafka badan ee ku shaqeynta lifaaqyada isku-dhafka ah - 4c0133
18V Mult-Strit Strit oo leh lifaaqyo isku-dhafan - 4c0134
18V Mult-Strit Strit oo leh lifaaqyo isku mid ah - 4c0135